England Squash app - Getting started

The England Squash app enables leaders and coaches to record Squash 101, Squash Girls Can and Squash 57 sessions. Leaders and coaches can add their sessions, record participants and accrue points to move up the leaderboard. The app also has a resources section which has images, video's downloadable posters, and guidance documents to help coaches and leaders deliver England Squash participation programmes. 

You can access the app by going to http://101.englandsquash.com/ and logging in using the email and password for your England Squash account. Forgotten your log in details?

Although we recommend using the web app on a mobile device, as this is what it is has been predominantly designed for, you can look at it on your desktop as well. We suggest adding a shortcut to the app on your phone to enable you to quickly access it from your home screen.  How do I add the app icon to my phone?

Now I'm logged in how do I record sessions and add participants?

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