How to edit programmes / sessions details

There may come a time when you wish to edit an individual session as part of your course or edit the entire programme. 

You will need to be logged into your Squash Stars account to edit your sessions, you can log in here.

1. Go to your admin area.

2. Click on 'coaching' on the left side of your screen. 

3. Select the 'ES Squash Stars' category

4. Find the course you would like to edit and click "Options", from the drop down, select "Edit course"

5. You will now be able to change the following:

  • 'status' - public, invite only, hidden or archived. 
  • code - the code you assigned the course. 
  • additional information - the text to be included as additional information fields. 
  • additional confirmation - the text to be included in the booking confirmation sent to parents. 
  • send reminder emails - opt for reminder email to be sent to parents
  • reminder email information - this reminder email will be sent to the parents closer to the course starting
  • capacity - how many individuals can attend / book. 
  • class default settings - time, duration and Leader. 

6. Once you are done editing, click "Save Course" at the bottom of the page

NOTE: You will NOT be able to change the 'start-date, cost or interval'.  If you need to change the start date, please email

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