How to cancel my child's Squash Stars booking?

There may come a time you need to cancel your child's booking. The guide will explain step by step how you can do this. 

PLEASE NOTE: There is only a 48 hour window for cancellations to be allowed. This is because the kit is ordered and sent out. If you need to cancel for any reason after this period, please contact the organisation. Please be aware they will not be able to refund you if after this time period. 

1. You'll sign-in to the Squash Stars website -

2. Click the icon that looks like a person in the top right

3. Choose 'courses' in the dropdown.

4. Then choose 'view course details' 

You'll be presented with a screen showing the information for the course (i.e cost, date, time, leader and the contact details for your venue). There is a 'cancellation' field which provides instructions on who to contact to cancel / arrange a refund. 

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