How do I know if my members have activated their account, and how can I help them?

In order to access some of their membership benefits (such as insurance, SquashLevels membership and the exclusive member video content), England Squash members need to activate their accounts on Activating is a simple process and only takes a minute!

This guide is for club administrators aiming to encourage their members to activate their accounts.

An activated member is one who has created (or activated) an account on, and  logged in to view their player dashboard. Any members added by the club on the club dashboard will not be activated until they follow the activation process. However, any members who create an account on and request membership of the club will already be activated.

Members listed on the club dashboard on

It is easy to see which of your club members have activated their account by looking on your club member list in the club admin dashboard (you will need club admin rights for your club to see this page - contact the membership team if you do not have this).

The table on this page clearly shows which members have activated their accounts.

Rejected members

Any members who show under 'rejected' have requested membership of the club but their request has been denied by the club. They will have likely have an existing activated account, but do not have a membership via your club.

Activating members

Clubs cannot activate accounts on behalf of their members, as it is the member's individual responsibility to do so (and they need to agree to terms and conditions). However, in order to get members activated, clubs are encouraged to take the following action in order to enable their members to activate their accounts and gain access to the full range of benefits:

  • For members with an email address (which is correct): ask the member to go to to recover their account and set a password
  • For members with an email address (which is incorrect): edit the member's details and attempt to add the correct email address (contact England Squash if you are unable to edit the email address). Then ask the member to go to to recover their account and set a password
  • For members without an email address: edit the member's details and add the correct email address. Then ask the member to go to to recover their account and set a password

Duplicate members on the membership list

If you see duplicate members appearing on your member list, it may be that some of your members have created a new account on, having already been listed by the club. In these cases, the member has usually activated the new account. 

If you see duplicated members on your membership list, please contact England Squash so that the accounts can be merged. If the member is already using an old England Squash membership number, please let us know which number is being used as this can be retained as part of the merging process.

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