How to add a Welfare Officer to your club

It's our shared responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk and protect them from poor practice, abuse and bullying. As part of our commitment to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for everyone to play squash we are asking that all clubs and counties ensure their Welfare Officer details are added and up to date on our dashboard. You can help by following the steps below and making sure this vital work is complete.

To add a Welfare Officer, just follow these simple steps:

  • Log into your Club Dashboard (you must be a Club Admin)
  • Click on 'Manage Admins'
  • If the Welfare Officer is not already listed as a Club Admin, add them under 'ADD NEW ADMIN. (Please note, this role can only be assigned to those with an existing England Squash account. If the Welfare Officer does not have an account already, ask them to sign up at, or, if you have their permission to share their details with England Squash, add them as a club member on the Manage members page of your club dashboard). Select 'Welfare Officer' in the Roles section
  • If the Welfare Officer is listed as a Club Admin already, click on the red 'Edit Roles' link against their name, and select 'Welfare Officer', then click the Save Changes button.

If you need further help, you might find the video below helpful:

Get in touch if you have any questions on recruiting or listing a Welfare Officer.

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