How to add/setup Squash Stars programmes

This guide provides simple steps for setting up your Squash Stars Programme, see the steps below: 

You will need to be logged into your Squash Stars account to set up and create your sessions, you can log in here.

NOTE. Before you create your sessions, make sure the Leader who will be delivering the sessions is listed as a Leader on the club's account. Follow this process to add your Leaders. 

1. Go to your admin area.

2. Click on 'coaching' on the left side of your screen. 

5. On the new course page, work through all the provided boxes adding as much detail as possible. This information will pull through onto your course page, parents will want to know as much information as possible about your club and the session you will be delivering. 

Status - you can change the visibility of your course depending on whether you want it to show in the search finder or if you only want participants to sign up via a direct link.

  • Public: your course can be found on the public website and anyone can sign up
  • Hidden: your course will not be visible on the public website so no one can sign up
  • Direct link only: people can only sign up to your course if you send them a direct link (once you are in your ‘current programme’, the direct link will be at the bottom of the page)
  • Archived: your course will be cancelled, archived and no longer available to sign up to

Once you have selected your status, you will need to fill in the rest of the information:

  • Input a code for your club/programme (this will show on parent’s banks statements). This should be a unique code used to identify this session, if you are delivering more than one session you should adapt the code, for example NationalSquashCentreIntake3.   
  • The course will have a standard description but you can add more information in 'Additional information' about your sessions. We advise you add information about your club here, for example how to find the courts when they arrive, is there somewhere the parents can wait or purchase food and drink, are there any other squash opportunities on at the same time for parents. 
  • The course will have a default confirmation message but you can add more information in 'Additional confirmation' this will be displayed in the confirmation email sent to the parent / individual booking the course. This could include detail on how to access the car park for the club and details of other modes of transports to get to the club. 
  • Select a start date that works for you and that will also allow you time to promote your sessions. Take into considerations holidays, and other activities that are on at the club. 
  • Set your capacity to the number of kids you can take in a session, feedback from parents suggests that small sessions don't allow for their child to make many friends so think about a sensible maximum that you are willing to take on court. 
  • The provider wavier field should be used for your club's terms and conditions, photo consents and any other code of conducts your club has. Please add a pdf file stating the terms and conditions each player is agreeing to by booking your course(s). Select 'browse' to choose a file from your device. You can find recommended wording here.
  • Costs, will be pre-set by England Squash programmes which is £20. 
  • You can choose whether to allow joining after the course starts, if you opt to allow sign ups after the first session you will have the right to decide if you allow the child to receive any additional sessions to take their total up to six. If you do allow kids to sign up after the course stars, think about turning it off towards the end of the course so you don't have sign ups too late into the course. 
  • Under the section for ‘Session Defaults’, you can select the Leader for your Squash Stars sessions, by selecting a name under the 'leader drop-down. Only activators that have been manually input in to your club’s 'coaching team' will show on this drop-down. If you have not added your Leaders, you will need to go back to "Administrators" and add them. 
  • You can also change the session start time and its duration here. Please note that if you are amending the time/duration of your session, you need to tick the box marked ‘Update upcoming sessions’, to make the change effective immediately and to make sure that all sessions are updated accordingly. Please note that this is a 24-hour clock so make sure you select the correct time.

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